5 Ways To Boost Your Confidence And Land Your Dream Job

If you don’t know, I write for Heal Your Life, a truly wonderful website part of Hay House. Today I want to share one of my favorite posts I wrote for them that I think can help a lot of people, enjoy!

Successful people often seem to exude confidence. They make others wonder, “how did they become that way?” The good news is that you don’t have to be born with confidence; luckily it is a learnable skill. Confidence begins with changing your mindset. However, that is not the end, it is the beginning. Your inner world begins to shift when that mindset begins to alter your “default” thinking. In other words, when confidence is imprinted on your soul.

Low confidence can be a result of numerous factors, mostly a life of programming that includes fear, self-criticism, low self-esteem, repeated experiences that enforce our programming, and even previous failures or mistakes. I have a now famous saying that I picked up along my spiritual development, “EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORKS OUT FOR ME”. Even our so-called mistakes actually turn out as great lessons, opportunities to know what we want or don’t want even clearer.

Here are 5 more soul-inspiring ways to boost your confidence today:

1. Change Your Body Language 

It’s not only your mind that must feel confident, but your body needs to make a change as well! Those who appear more confident not only feel more confident but others take note as well! In fact, those who appear confident tend to get the job or promotion more often than those who do not. Slightly changing your body language can have a massive impact on your confidence and success.

The first step is to stand up straight with your chin up and eyes forward. Make sure to have your hands visible, not hidden in your pockets. Try to avoid fidgeting and make sure to smile!

When we change our physiology we change our emotions. I like doing jumping jacks as well– try to be unhappy or fearful while doing jumping jacks, go ahead and do it! How do you feel?

This is a great TED talk to get you on the right track with confident body language.

2. Rewrite Your Inner Talk (programming)

At what point do you feel small during an interview? This is different for everyone. Try to pinpoint this moment and consider why you find this the most challenging, write down all the feelings you experience. What negative responses do you have? What thoughts spring to mind?

Take these responses and re-write them to become positive ones! For example, you may write “I’m not good multitasking, I would do poorly here” and change it to “I’m working on my multitasking every day and I’m rocking it! I would be great at this job”. When you change your inner voice and mindset, you change your outlook and your confidence.

Many of the people I work with (stand up if this is you!), have been programmed not to brag about themselves, so an interview is rough terrain since you MUST brag on your accomplishments and sell your skills. Successful people know and feel deeply that the impact they make is part of who they are. So talk about these attributes not as something outside of you, but your soul’s strength. It is you, be happy and share your magnificence!

Check out my 3-2-1 Career Story to begin your easy to use “self-pitch”, we call it an elevator pitch so we can say it while we are on our way up!

3. Remember Why You Got Called In (You Rock Star)

Recruiters get hundreds of resumes daily. Remind yourself that someone sorted through all of these resumes and picked you, over many other people. This is news that you are truly capable of doing great things on this interview. You have the skill set the company is looking for, which is great news! Practice your elevator pitch, have it ready to go, and remember what sets your apart from others. Learn how to create your career story to shout it loud and proud.

4. Understand Why You Are Nervous (humans are funny that way)

There are many reasons why people come down on themselves. Low self-confidence happens in many forms. Once you identify what is causing this negative thought, you can start to work to change it. Of course, negative thoughts don’t go away overnight, but by pinpointing why this happens, it will bring clarity and confidence to the situation. Keep repeating to yourself “everything always works out for me” and you’ll be amazed when it actually does. Try to focus on the present moment. And in this present moment FEEL the way you want to FEEL when you get the job. Mental imagery and using your soul’s energy to feel the way you want to feel- NOW

5. Remember Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone

The more you step outside of your comfort zone, the smaller your zone becomes because you become scared of less! It is important that you make the effort to step outside your zone as often as possible. These daily efforts don’t have to be big, scary tasks. Remember to celebrate the small victories! Most of us need a helping hand as well. I have helped dozens of folks “bring their soul to work”. It involves spiritual and practical techniques along with guidance from a kick-ass coach to help you move forward. Sign-up for a FREE Clarity Call and let’s get at it, your career affects so much about your life. Let’s get you rocking it!

Join the 21 Day Confidence Cure Today! 

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