Goals and Gratitude


It is the big “O” week, Organization.

I had a question this week, “What does a person do who’s mind is just so cluttered with thoughts? I don’t know where to start?”

The good news, Organization starts in the head, then gets in the heart.

Let’s explore–

A great start to getting organized is to set goals. We must know where we are going and WHY.

A cluttered mind can be a big distraction and, let’s face it is a great excuse for inaction. We might find ourselves saying, “well, I just have so many ideas, I don’t know where to start.” That leads to not starting ANYTHING.

What does someone do with so many thoughts? Is this you? How does one organize their mind?

Step 1— get out a few blank pieces of paper and begin writing. Write EVERYTHING in your mind on that paper. Do not judge yourself or answer, or say, “that’s stupid or I’ll never get that done” Everything in your mind needs to get on that paper. Do not hesitate, all of it! From- “I need to lose 20 pounds to I need to fix that chair (or replace it)”.

We all have lots of swirling thoughts. The KEY is to get it all out on PAPER.


Step 2–On your page, circle the TOP 3 items that you want to go after, or you NEED to go after. Put a date and commit to those items being DONE. Done feels good, so go after the “feels” good!
Step 3– Now circle the 3 that you are committed to AFTER you complete the first 3.

We all get caught up in the thought habit “so much to do in so little time.”

Step 4— Re-program your thinking about having so little time. The secret is GRATITUDE. Spend as much time as you can in gratitude and remind yourself that you DO have plenty of time to do everything you must do. Now look around at all you are grateful about.

Gratitude is the best state to be in when you are going after your goals.

See this week’s — Idea Sheet! Get started to de-clutter your mindDownloadIdeaSheet

Say loudly with deep feeling in your heart–

“My GRATITUDE propels me to achieve the to do list. I can do it, I want the great feelings of DONE.” #gratefulgoals

Share your successes and challenges in this exercise with us on Facebook/mostlife

See you on twitter!! #mymostlife @mofaul1

Are YOU Living it?


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