The Hard Work Myth is Holding You Back: Stop Playing Small

Is the hard work myth holding you back and causing you to play small in your career?

We’ve been told all of our life that the harder you work, the better your career. But working yourself to the bone with no self-care is not the path to success!

Do you work and work and work with the same results? → Never moving up the ladder? → Never getting that pay raise?

STOP trying so hard for too little return. Stop wasting your gifts and talents in work that crushes your soul. START paying attention to what will make you grow and save your energy for what really matters!

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What Your Parents Told You is Wrong and Holding You Back

Your parents’ advice was wrong — is living by their “rules” holding you back?

Based on our Facebook poll, aside from those who stated they didn’t receive any career-related advice growing up, the most frequently heard advice that respondents reported receiving from their parents was, “you should become a: (fill in the blank), despite the fact that you have no interest in it.”

You need to understand how your family is still affecting your day-to-day life!!

Are your parents holding back your performance, income level, your power?

We all love our parents. While their recommendations come from a place of love (sometimes) and asking their point of view may be helpful,

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Essential Conversations You Need To Have NOW

Are you avoiding essential conversations?

According to a recent Braverly study, “70% of employees are avoiding difficult conversations…” Also, a 2017 survey by Quantum Workplace and Fierce Conversations “found that 53 percent of employees are handling toxic situations by ignoring them.” This results in a variety of issues —employees playing small, missed opportunities, and lost revenue, to name a few.

Negotiating is another commonly avoided career-related discussion. Only 1 in 3 women negotiated for a higher salary when accepting a new job. The reality is that this can cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars throughout their careers!

Do you know which difficult conversations you need to have NOW?

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Kristy’s Story — Realizing Life Can be a Dream!

Kristy is a Kick Ass Graduate whose life has changed for the better after realizing that anything is possible for her!

Do you believe you are in control of your reality or do you let life take the wheel?  You have the power to turn anything around and create your beautiful reality. It doesn’t matter what life throws at you. You’re in control of where your path leads and how you react to things that happen in life! New opportunities are always coming your way to help to create your dream life!


Book a free 1-hour Career Clarity Call with Team Mo today.

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Erin’s Story: She Found Her Power and Her Dreams Came Alive!

Erin’s story is one of expansion during a time of major career transition in her life. Erin realized that even though on paper everything about her job was perfect, it still didn’t satisfy her mission. The things that we experience in life can either define us or help us blossom, grow, and move on to bigger and better! Erin took control of her life and even though it’s not easy, it is definitely worth it.


Book a free 1-hour Career Clarity Call with Team Mo today.

[WATCH THE FREE MASTERCLASS!] The 5-Step Game Plan My Clients Use to Kiss Their Dead-End Job Goodbye and Leap Into One That Pays What They Deserve

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Lisa’s Story: Relationships Can Tell Us A Lot About Ourselves

Lisa Shield is a relationship coach who shows men and women how to show up as their full, adult self in relationships. Relationships can be the biggest truth mirror in our lives. Tempting to blame others for our relationships not gone well, let’s listen in and claim our best.


Lisa and met studying online marketing together, eager to get our messages out to the world. She, a relationship coach who helps men and women find their dream partner and me, a career expert who helps you find your dream job. When we first met nearly two years ago, we knew we had more in common::: We both start our work with helping our clients be awesome and create their higher selves.

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How to Manage When it Never Ends: Embrace Life Lessons

How to Manage When it Never Ends: Embrace Life Lessons

What? Never Ends?

I know….life is a constant flurry of things…events…feelings….thoughts…..can’t we just get off and coast?

No. We. Can’t.

Life has a way of constantly flowing.

A river that never stops, always flowing.

A horse race around the track, over and over.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 weeks into a new job, I thought my entire existence was going to crumble. Cancer gives one the jag in the throat, the punch in the gut…I did wonder if I would die or how bad it would all be. When I told my boss I was so afraid of being criticized,

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