What Your Parents Told You is Wrong and Holding You Back

Your parents’ advice was wrong — is living by their “rules” holding you back?

Based on our Facebook poll, aside from those who stated they didn’t receive any career-related advice growing up, the most frequently heard advice that respondents reported receiving from their parents was, “you should become a: (fill in the blank), despite the fact that you have no interest in it.”

You need to understand how your family is still affecting your day-to-day life!!

Are your parents holding back your performance, income level, your power?

We all love our parents. While their recommendations come from a place of love (sometimes) and asking their point of view may be helpful,

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Essential Conversations You Need To Have NOW

Are you avoiding essential conversations?

According to a recent Braverly study, “70% of employees are avoiding difficult conversations…” Also, a 2017 survey by Quantum Workplace and Fierce Conversations “found that 53 percent of employees are handling toxic situations by ignoring them.” This results in a variety of issues —employees playing small, missed opportunities, and lost revenue, to name a few.

Negotiating is another commonly avoided career-related discussion. Only 1 in 3 women negotiated for a higher salary when accepting a new job. The reality is that this can cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars throughout their careers!

Do you know which difficult conversations you need to have NOW?

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Your Soul is Demanding Abundance!

Your soul wants more– it is the natural state of expansion. Your soul wants more– can you feel it?

It does demand it– but you, yes you…have been pushing it down for YEARS!

Yes you have!

Most of us have–most of us have been programmed from a young age to not want- effectively, to not expand.

So- now as an adult we are conflicted about wanting more.


This conflict is at the root of being stuck.

This abundance confusion is at the root of low self-esteem.


Soon enough we rationalize why we don’t feel great and we rationalize why we don’t have more!

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Your Career Matters Step #2 Create a Destination Worthy of You

Your Career Matters to Every Part of Your Life. So, Create a Destination Worthy of You.

She was shot down for a promotion.

“That’s ok,” she told herself….”I didn’t want to work that hard or play those ridiculous office politics, anyway!”

Just under the surface, she was crushed.

Deep down, under her rationalizing brain, her mind began to spin.

Thoughts and feelings of all the times she was ignored, overlooked,

even mocked for being her.

All those feelings came streaming out.

Not to worry, she knew exactly how to suppress them.

Wine with friends, they will understand and so, a night out bitching together,

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