Who Are You In Your Dream Job?

Who Are You In Your Dream Job?  

What is Your Dream Job?

Are you now like Deena who loves Mondays and can’t wait to get back at it with her team?

Or there’s Joy who is so excited to be great and make a difference in her new sales job?

Maybe you like Annette who is now feeling valued and valuable to her boss and her organization, saying, “I feel like the real me again!”


Are you like Janet who takes a few tries to land the one job using her skills, making more money and feeling great in her environment, being a respected leader and team member?

Landing your dream job is a combination of skill, persistence and also knowing your true self and staying aligned with who you are as your highest version of you.


So….who are you in your dream job?

Are you more excited?  More eager to show the full you? Walking tall because you feel valued? Or feeling a new sense of freedom with a bigger paycheck?

Feeling is THE Secret to your success.

There is a Law in the Universe that says….

”feel it now and you will become an attractor to that energy” You have heard of The Law of Attraction? Right?!

Did you know the feeling part is THE KEY?

One of my favorite authors and inspirational guru’s, Dr. Wayne Dyer used to remind us all the time, “you will see it when you believe it.”

In other words, when you are in the state of it already happening,

you will bring it toward yourself.

Here’s how to get started on bringing your dream YOU to you today:

  1. Align yourself with your highest self.

    How can you contribute in a way that highlights your uniqueness? Are you an expert organizer? Then talk to your boss about a project that you can do to use your talents to lift her up and help the team. Do something at work this week that highlights a skill you love. Some of these are being traits, adding inspiration to your team, or being a leader, some are doing traits, the organizer, the subject matter expert. Show up aligned this week.

  2. Make sure you are feeling appreciated inside. Look at your life and work and identify ways that you are really rocking it. Give yourself recognition on the inside and it will lift you. Keeping a “brag book” is a great daily habit. This will lift your vibration and bring you closer to your highest self. Feel the awesome feeling of what is working and what is going right.Don’t miss this post on being the “noticer” of others’ greatness Read that blog here.
  3. Practice feeling more successful than you are today. Ok, what is it that you want to feel or have or be? Feel that same feeling now. It is much easier to do that when you create a gratitude list each day for what your future self will be grateful for..try it out, it’s fun.
  4. Put yourself out there and be seen.  That’s right, do something different to be seen at work. Ask what you can do to be seen. Perhaps what you need to do is to brag a bit to your boss and let her know what you are accomplishing and what your successes have been lately. She may not know and it is great practice to share your successes!

Feel today how you would feel in your dream job. Get used to the feelings of awesome, of freedom, of prosperity.  Feel it now and you will create the energetic equivalent of it. It is happening now, whether you know it or like it, you are attracting what you think and feel right now. Yes, it is the Law. Use it to your advantage.

Feel the future now and bring it closer to you.

Want to get a jump start on this? Let’s get you that Clarity Call.Get your limited time appointment now.