Anto’s Story: How She Claimed, I am Worth IT!

Anto went from lost to “I am worth it!”

She was feeling like life was just going to be hard.


Her personal life was in shambles, her career never really took off.


Struggle and hardship was “normal’ for her.

Anto’s inner self knew there must be more.

She had no idea where to turn.

We talked, I urged her that something better was in her future.

She had to make THE decision.

She had to realize she was worth it.

She was worth it….she knew it, but she needed a strong coach to hold her through the re-invention of herself.

That’s why transformation is rare… is scary, it requires support and it requires to be seen for you higher version BEFORE you get there.

I have a knack for seeing that in women.

Each conversation I have with women reveals some deep realities.

Programming, long done, limiting beliefs that appear to be real….all stop our growth.

Then one day we realize, life CAN be different. It is up to US!

But– we live in default mode…our subconscious programming in charge and in the driver’s seat.

The subconscious mind is in charge of 95% of what we experience in life.

This part of your belief structure is your default mode. Many of us live here.

We live in our programming and wonder why things don’t change.

Well– our lives and careers don’t change until WE DO!

Listen to Anto’s story as she reveals how she got over her fears

How she trusted herself and jumped into the unknown and SUCCEEDED.

She succeed beyond her wildest dreams.

Anto sent me a special video this summer from a place she would have never been if she didn’t grow.

It brings tears to my eyes to watch, each time… until the end to see my play it for her.

Here’s to your life emerging for your highest self.

Take action, be bold, believe in yourself.

You are the only one who can jump into your greatness.

I know, as sure as you are reading this, that YOU ARE GREAT.

Blessings to your future!

Your Kick Ass Coach,


All this magic starts with a Free Career Clarity Call. It may seem strange to talk to someone you don’t know…but, we will listen, we will ask, we will help you see your truth.