Category Archives: All Posts

How Your Imperfections Bring Success

Yes, imperfections guarantee your success.

Stick with me, because I see this career limiting problem over and over. I saw it last week after an email I sent out had a typo. Ok, more than a typo, since spell check would not have caught this. As a matter of fact, it may have caught the misspelling and helped me put in the wrong word. You know the pesky there/ their verbal confusion? I have no confusion about the use of which word. I was a star in English and Spelling growing up and I used to be the first to jump on wrong use of words like that. (I am tempted to put all sorts of wrong words in this article to prove my point…but sarcasm doesn’t ever serve the highest good.)

Fifteen years ago I was at a 4 day conference on how to be a world-class speaker and influencer.

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How Inspiration Can Help You Be The “Noticer” of Success

Today (in the U.S.A.) we notice those who gave their lives to our country. This is so inspirational to all of us.  Where would we be without that level of dedication and loyalty?  

Noticing their success and loyalty can truly fuel us.

Because, one key element of The Law of Attraction is “You are what you think about and you attract more of what you put your attention on.” So- notice and expand more of this awesome inspiration.

Watch and notice success everywhere you look because, “Your thoughts create your reality”… your habits are formed by your thoughts and feelings and soon, reality is formed. As a matter of fact…your external reality becomes an attractor for how you think.  

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5 Reasons She Said Yes To Herself

You need to say yes to yourself and here is how…

You’re always following everyone’s idea of you.

You’ve been told you can’t do what your heart desires to do so you’ve settled.

You’re in a decent job, making decent money, career on the rise, but inside someone else has the grip on your soul.

Never enough time, money, joy….and yet so many people seem to be in the same boat.

Maybe this is just how life is supposed to be.

I should stop wanting more, who do I think I am?

(Wait, is that really YOUR voice?)

I too, questioned the inner surge of wanting more.

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Breast Cancer Forced Me to Bring My Soul to Work (after the spinning)

It Wasn’t Really That Easy… Breast Cancer Forced Me to Bring My Soul to Work (after the spinning)

We bring forward all that we are in tough times.

I have a strength in powering through tough times. I moved 4 times before 6th grade. I became adaptable, flexible and accustomed to change. This strength helped me be an excellent critical care nurse- I loved being first to help a heart patient when they “coded”. I loved saving cardiac patients. I love helping people. But….when it was time for me I didn’t know what to do.

2008 was a year I will never forget. My world as a woman changed forever.

Breast cancer took my breasts.

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