Category Archives: Leadership

Kristy’s Story — Realizing Life Can be a Dream!

Kristy is a Kick Ass Graduate whose life has changed for the better after realizing that anything is possible for her!

Do you believe you are in control of your reality or do you let life take the wheel?  You have the power to turn anything around and create your beautiful reality. It doesn’t matter what life throws at you. You’re in control of where your path leads and how you react to things that happen in life! New opportunities are always coming your way to help to create your dream life!


Book a free 1-hour Career Clarity Call with Team Mo today.

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5 Ways to Beat Office Politics

Office Politics Can Kill Your Success or Make It!

There are ways to rise above office politics to continue to succeed with your job. Easier said than done, right? Wrong! There are some great things you can do to kick your office politics in the butt. Think about it simply, office politics is just your differences between other people. Really, It all comes down to communicating effectively and developing awesome relationships. When we fix those, we beat office politics.

1. Map Your Organization

Office politics often work their way around the set hierarchal positions. Many have different relationships with others so even though those who are below you may be given more information or tasks depending on where they fall into the office “map”.

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Pay Attention to Your Sneak Peeks

Pay Attention to Your Sneak Peeks – to Bring You Joy

All my life I have had moments that seem to stop time, moments when life stops and the moment gets seared into my mind, my heart and my soul.

Climbing trees, climbing monkey bars at playgrounds, performing yo-yo tricks in the 8th grade to wow my friends and family, walking the stage to accept my honor cord in high school, speaking to my nursing class as a senior graduating, feeling so alive on certain runs in the cold winter months, nothing could be better.

My favorite book as a young girl was “The Little Engine That Could” by Watty Piper.

Something deep spoke to me about that determined little engine being asked to climb the mountain.

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How to Create Your Own Kick Ass Council of Advisors

Create Your Own Kick Ass Council of Advisors


Look around – you are the average of the 5 people you hangout with.

I caught you looking. Think about who you surround yourself with. Studies show and success reveals that those people influence you in ways that determine your path in life.  You want to exercise more? Hangout with exercisers. You want to travel more? Find people (or a person) who enjoys travel and spend time with them!

We think, talk and behave the way our peer group does. Remember in school? Maybe a smart teacher told you to pick you friends wisely. She was right. As we start this year, toss the resolutions out and just change the people you hangout with,

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