Category Archives: Bring Your Soul to Work Podcast

Rosalind’s Story: How I Rose Up and Found My Awesome!


Getting pushed back from life is a common problem.

Getting thrown into caring for elderly and sick parents, caring for them as they die and having to juggle a full-time job and life is a heavy load.

Just ask, Rosalind. She tells her full comeback story here.

She was in that situation last year, having lost her job due to her obligation to her ailing mom.

She followed her heart (and she has a big one!).

She lost her job of over 2 decades….a workplace that couldn’t give her the needed flexibility.

Sadly, both her parents died within months,

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Debbie Grant’s Story: Dreams Do Come True!


Yes, Debbie, dreams do come true.

“Are you sure, Mo, it seems a bit much!”

When the human soul finally sees it’s beauty and brilliance it can stop judging.

When the human soul finally sees the path to the life it always knew was in it’s heart- it finds joy.

When the human soul finally falls in love with itself and with life, miracles occur.

Miracles are a normal part of life to those souls who are aligned.

Debbie was not quite on this path when we met earlier this year on our Career Clarity Call.

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