Category Archives: Self Improvement

3 Ways To Overcome…What I Hear Way Too Often!

I want you to overcome these tragic problems I hear all the time.

The most difficult part of changing for the better is that we have a loyalty to our negative thinking.

Yes, you do! It is sometimes labeled as , “this is just who I am, I’m not good at interviews,” or, “I don’t think they will hire me, look at my resume”…

or other limiting self stories…“I’m just a nervous person, I don’t do well in big companies,”“Bosses are always so difficult,”“I’ve never done that before, they won’t hire me.”

We hang on to these beliefs to save ourselves the pain of not getting what we truly want, so we don’t ever go for it.

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Wake Up Wanting to Feel Good…Here’s How

I have been upbeat all my life….but the inner talk has been challenging over the years….until I did this. 

For years the first thought I had in the morning, was “Oh no, not again!” Many mornings I woke up early to go on a run. The early morning run was my feel good start to the day. I yearned to have this feeling last as long as I could.

But….that runner’s’ high and that self-talk of “way to go Mo” barely lasted to my commute to the office!

Then I added CD’s, motivational books and everything I could to FEEL BETTER on my drive in. 

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Be the Being You Want to BE

OK, Big reveal…

Something became obvious after a client learned a painful life lesson. It has a big impact on me as a coach.

You see…my heart breaks every day….that’s right, every day.

And this one time it really hurt. You see, my coaching is an investment. Of course, you want to make changes in your career and life, it’s an investment in time and money.

I conduct webinars, talk about what I did to lift my career. And post all the time, tips, techniques and stories of others who are landing their dream jobs and crushing it!

I lifted my career and that of others’ many times in my life and know how to combine the best in executive techniques with spiritual and personal development.

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Who Are You In Your Dream Job?

Who Are You In Your Dream Job?  

What is Your Dream Job?

Are you now like Deena who loves Mondays and can’t wait to get back at it with her team?

Or there’s Joy who is so excited to be great and make a difference in her new sales job?

Maybe you like Annette who is now feeling valued and valuable to her boss and her organization, saying, “I feel like the real me again!”


Are you like Janet who takes a few tries to land the one job using her skills, making more money and feeling great in her environment, being a respected leader and team member?

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Why Being the “Noticer” Creates More Success

Can we get this out of the way before we talk about your success. You are what you think about, and you attract more of what you put your attention on.

Yes, that internal dialogue does not get hidden from any of us. We are magnets to how we feel and think.

Your thoughts create your reality, your habits are formed by your thoughts and feelings and soon, reality is formed. As a matter of fact…your external reality becomes an attractor for how you think.

Remember when you bought your last new car? All of a sudden, that car was everywhere Did the dealer have a promotion and everyone in your area bought that car? 

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Time: Spending It? Using it? or Losing It? Where is your time going?

Where is your time going? Do we spend time, use time or lose time?


I remember this one time when my old car pulled up next to me at a light. My red hybrid Camry looked ok for its age. Bumper a bit scratched and I wondered if it rode as well as it did for the five years I drove it. Nostalgia hit me like a sudden life movie began playing.

Where was I when I drove that car? Who was I when I bought it?

I was striving to be someone more than I was at the time. The car wasn’t my answer to that, I just wanted the car for practical reasons,

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When you want more…will the critics win?

When you want more….will your critics win? Each week I speak to dozens of folks about their careers (and their lives). Each week I use the best in my coaching skills to bring out the best in these souls, all wanting more in life.

The pain of…
  • Careers and jobs not feeling good
  • A bully boss that just won’t let up
  • Being overlooked for a promotion
  • Knowing they are good at what they do and they don’t know how to do more
  • Not being able to speak up when they need to and blowing it when they do
  • Fearful of repeating the same trends and getting stuck in the same way in the next job

There is a new way….it involves leaving past programming,

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Why I Love Meetings, Really!

 I Love Meetings

Lots of folks I talk to can’t stand meetings, no matter what kind. They would rather speak in public.

You know the meetings, where others drone on about stats or obvious processes or budget shortfalls or….all the crap you now have to do that is added to an already full plate and OMG how can you possibly????

At every level of my career I have gone to meetings. When I worked as Vice President in a hospital system my physician colleagues would ask what I do all day.

“Meetings…..all day.” I said with a whiff of….of course I do. In a few paragraphs I will explain just how I get through it all and how I enjoyed it.

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3 Steps to Ask for Anything and Have Fun Doing It

ASK? the very thought is stressful. I always took it personally.  Every time I asked for anything.

You know what that does? It puts the stakes very high. When there is a greater risk we will avoid doing things. As a human, you are wired that way (Sure there are a few daredevils out there.). But, as kind and naturally loving humans, we don’t want to fail, we don’t want to hurt and we don’t want to appear stupid, foolish or arrogant.

When you ask for something and you have your whole self, reputation and inner sense of self-riding on the line, the asks don’t come. The emotions stop the brain and we FREEZE.

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Mastering Your Thought Habits

What if your energy force felt good all the time? What if you suspended your current worry and fear and let the good come in?

How would that feel?

What if a trusted friend said, “don’t worry, the Universe has your back”? Well, I want to tell you that is does, you just have to allow it to happen. “How can I do this” this you may ask.  I see thought habits changing people’s lives every single day! You can feel different, you can control what you think about, you can change your entire life, just by changing the way you think.

People have been amazed when I tell them this! “OMG, MO, it really works!”

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