Category Archives: Self Improvement

5 Shifts to a KickAss Career: Shift #2 Have Confidence In Your Worth

Deep down we all have programming that dictates our thoughts,actions and feelings. Deep down we all have a yearning to be more and feel more freedom and peace. What gets in the way? What stops our true self from being THE self we are? What stops us from doing things we know will help us?

The second shift of my 5 SHIFTS to Your Kick Ass Career is all about this. How many times have you thought yourself out of something? How many times have you let doubt, shame, guilt infect your life? (I don’t really deserve a raise.)

The problem of not enough inner strength, letting the external world define you (and control you) and settling in your career all stem from the same inner issue.

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Bring Your Soul to Work

Bring Your Soul to Work

Inside all of us is a voice and an energy.  A yearning.

It says, “More, please…” 

More love…  More joy…  More self aware…  More success…  More freedom…  More, Please…

We have a habit, though. Our habit is to shut it down. We have a habit of feeling not worthy. We have a habit of being told not to ask for things. Impolite. Improper. Selfish. Don’t! Make sure others have first. So we shut down, because it is easier. We are tired of giving to everyone. We are tired at the end of the day, for goodness sake, we are tired at the beginning of the day!

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Say Yes To You

I grew up thinking of others’ happiness and being told to make sure everyone else was comfortable, had enough to eat and was happy. My life was spent thinking of others. I worked hard, pleased bosses (ok, sometimes I pissed them off) and I was very good at pleasing.

Then, as I evolved and learned more about how the Universe works and the basics of “putting your oxygen mask on yourself, first.” This is one of my 11 Lessons to Your Kick Ass Career & Life.

I began to shift to be whole inside before I took care of others. At first it seemed selfish. Drawing boundaries and not taking just anything from others took focus and discipline.

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Love Yourself To Success

Love is in the air and it is the best model of how to succeed. Success flows where your emotions go. Feeling down and the world is out to get you? That’s surely what you will get.

Feeling in love with life, with you, with your abilities and with your essence, your gifts and feel like the Universe is on your side? You know what it feels like to fall in love? Play the video above to fall in love with you.

Falling in love is a wonderful cascade of beautiful emotions and positive thoughts punctuated by an all encompassing flow of positive neurotransmitters. Wow does it feel like a high! These “feel good” chemicals are taking our thoughts and emotions on a joy ride.

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Why You Should Interview NOW!

Are you wondering what your worth really is at work? Has your career stalled? Feeling typecast and taken for granted at work? Have you had a chance to get in the great energy of your super powers?

Most of us have been shut down, covered up, feel fraudulent with talking about who we are and it is causing way too much pain. You are your only advocate. Get out there and talk about how great you are.  Your number one loyalty is to yourself, freedom seeker. Your number one job is YOU. Remember,  put your oxygen mask on first. You are no good to anyone while you are gasping for air (learn more about this in my 11 Lessons)

To that I say,

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How to Create Your Mastermind Miracle

How to Create Your Mastermind Miracle


I have been intrigued by the idea of masterminds ever since I first read Napoleon Hill’s Think & Grow Rich book over 20 years ago. In the business world, I often felt the energy of a team focused on a problem, energized to solve it and pushed by vision to succeed. I knew there was something more than meets the eye. I felt the non-physical energy was more than the actual plans and documents we were working on.

Have you felt that level of cohesiveness and “team spirit” with a group of co-workers or a volunteer group you have been a part of?

Creating Mastermind Energy

The gathering of others has an elevated energy and a miraculous push toward what seemed like the impossible.

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How to Create Your Own Kick Ass Council of Advisors

Create Your Own Kick Ass Council of Advisors


Look around – you are the average of the 5 people you hangout with.

I caught you looking. Think about who you surround yourself with. Studies show and success reveals that those people influence you in ways that determine your path in life.  You want to exercise more? Hangout with exercisers. You want to travel more? Find people (or a person) who enjoys travel and spend time with them!

We think, talk and behave the way our peer group does. Remember in school? Maybe a smart teacher told you to pick you friends wisely. She was right. As we start this year, toss the resolutions out and just change the people you hangout with,

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How Do You Define Your Best Work/Best Life?

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Knowing yourself is key to your Best Work/Best Life.

In this hurried, social-media frenzied world we live in, many of us forget to stop and check in with numero uno (that’s right, you!). All the more to look inside every now and then. It is no accident that with the pace of the world we see a surge in Yoga and Meditation. These practices help to slow our world down to one where the voices and energy inside can be heard.

Creating a ritual where we spend time listening inward helps give our life direction.

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6 Easy Steps to be Heard in Your Next Meeting

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This week’s KICK-ASS Career we are on S – for Speaking.

Many people say they aren’t good presenters, “that’s just for salespeople”. I say, you can and you must! Speaking is essential to every area of success.

Over the years I have seen so many people transform their careers, their relationships and their ability to network. Nothing boosts your confidence at work more than knowing how to present. No matter what the topic, there are 6 easy steps to follow. Use these techniques and you will have their attention from the beginning. (That’s where to start.) In a previous post I spoke about your voice technique.

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The Biggest Myth Of Action, Don’t Just Act!

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This week’s KICK ASS Career we are on A – for Action

When I start a video, my videographer says “ACTION!”

Now I have to be “ON”. If I didn’t know what I was going to say, I’d be lost. When the director yells ACTION, we have to ACT.

When else in life do we get such a great signal that it’s time to take action? If you have your kick-ass career in gear, you know it’s always time for action. But how do you know if it is right action?

So many people I talk to don’t know what action to take.

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