Losing Your Job


The One Problem With Job Loss that Everyone Overlooks

Every day I talk to a potential client who has lost her job.

Every. Day.

She is scared and unsure.

She is worried about her money, her future and whether she can get her career on track!

She is worried that if she doesn’t get the next job she will be ruined and each day, week and month that lingers with no job, the stakes get higher and higher.

SO the desperation increases.

Desperation increases the chances of no job or one that has to be gotten as a consolation prize!


Confidence erodes, but you put on a happy energetic face and brace for the next phone interview hoping it comes.

Hoping the interviews go well.

Hoping the resume looks good (enough?).

“It must be the resume?”

“Maybe I’m not doing the right thing on LinkedIN?”

You convince yourself it must be something out THERE!

It must be the job market?

I’m too old!

What have I done to deserve the silent treatment?


Success moves further away.

The real problem is a job loss is just like a trauma.

Job Loss is Job Trauma.


When you are in trauma and loss you are not able to focus and think clearly.

You cannot be your best self after you have been hurt.

You say, “Well, I wanted to leave there anyway…so it’s not that bad.”

But the hurt is there!

When we are hurt we recoil and protect ourselves.

This is the EXACT problem.

This is the EXACT reason why the next job doesn’t come so easily.

Trauma blocks our best self.

Trauma makes us pretend and hide and fear the ramifications.

Trauma makes us feel fear and project it out.

When was the last time you enjoyed hanging out with someone who had fear in their veins?

Not likely.

The real problem is this loss usually brings predictable outcomes.

Backsliding in Job Title.

Backsliding in income.

Backsliding and further erosion of self-worth, confidence and the increase of negative self-talk.

This pattern is also causing the stress response and physiology in the body begins to erode your own cells.

The entire body and soul take a hit.

This is DEEP.


JOB TRAUMA can kill a career for ever.

My career included 6 job losses.

I know how this feels and how this can be fixed.

It is fixed first on the inside.

But, perhaps you are running around and fixing all the outside stuff, hoping it works.

Running so fast so you don’t feel the loss!

I know, I was doing this all wrong on my job losses.

Then, I figured out the inner soul game.

The soul needs to heal and come back alive.

It must get the fertilization and nurturing it needs to come back up!

Maybe your soul has been dead for a while?

It is possible that might have lead to the job loss.

You’ve been running low for years.

You’ve been underpaid for way too long!

Time to gear up.

The solution is YOU.

The solution is not (just) the resume, even though it needs to be done well.

The solution is not (just) the LinkedIn profile and networking, you need to rock that!

The solution is not ONLY interviewing well, but impressing with your soul’s power and alignment!

Make a commitment to work on the inner you and build up that soul.

Keep your alignment on all your best core values and natural gifts and talents.

Feel awesome before you hit send on a resume submission, email or contact.

Remember to always attend to the inner you, no matter what!

Always clear the energy of your consciousness before any endeavor.

Alignment is the key to being awesome.

Bring your soul to work!

Bring your soul to LIFE!

Bringing your soul to work takes guidance and a great tribe to surround you!

It starts with a free call– Your FREE CAREER CLARITY CALL….Click here and get on the calendar.

Don’t wait – we only have a few appointments left this week.

Talk soon,

Mo Faul,

Founder, Creator and Chief KickAss Career Coach

P.S. We all have dreams for our life. Somewhere along the line, we let them go, because it felt safe. But if you know you’re missing out on the life you’ve always wanted, then you owe it to yourself to book a call.