5 Shifts to Your KickAss Career: Shift #3 Own The Room

In all my years of success as a healthcare executive – there are 2 main success strategies- engaging people and presenting well. I spent many years thinking that you had to be “slick” to present well or a natural. I took it for granted that you either have it or you don’t! I was wrong!

I have seen so many people transform their confidence, their inner power and their presence by learning to present. I have been told the techniques I teach have changed the course for marriages, reducing conflict and elevating professionals as promotion material!

Let’s look at this wonderfully easy and simple to follow path to career bliss.

You can be a brilliant speaker, you can engage people and make an impression and be “seen”. Yes, you can own the room!

To see the entire 5 SHIFTS to Your Kick Ass Career. Head HERE.

Over the years presentation techniques come and go, start with a joke, don’t forget to thank everyone first… On and on the fads come and go. One major presentation structure has stood the test of time over millennia!! We must present just like the best Greek and Roman story tellers and those who came before them. The human mind loves stories. We follow stories, we want the natural flow of stories, we make sense of presentations that follow this wonderfully simple structure.

Here is your recipe to Own the Room:

Begin at the beginning. Stories have a beginning, middle and end. Simple structure. How many of you begin a presentation with your conclusion? Perhaps you begin by charging right into the spreadsheet and don’t let your audience know where you started. Make sure to give everyone a frame of reference, a context, a reminder of why you are presenting what you are presenting. Start at the beginning- or earlier. Start way early.

Put good stuff in the middle. Add all the things you looked at, reviewed, teams you engaged. Use the middle to build your case, to prove you thought of things and to enhance your audience’s engagement. If the Vice President of Human Resources is in the meeting, add an element of relevance to her department if you can. Make the middle meaty.

End with a great conclusion OR if you need a decision- only bring 2 options. Yup, don’t put a bunch of options in front of multiple people. Give them “this” or “that”. We can only solve great puzzles by looking at 2 variables at a time. Well, ok there are some exceptions here, but this formula works!

I speak about all matters career and confidence on my Hay House Radio Show, listen here for an episode that sounds good to you.

Then when you have this structured- add another dimension that will lift your story. Yes, lift your story. Add the hero’s journey and these elements to your structure:

It must include the hero’s challenge– what exactly must you conquer?

Include the struggles that you encountered- and if they escalate with teach one all the better. I learned in a screenwriting class I took, that we must take our hero up a tree and then they fall, up higher and then they fall harder, up higher… Fall again. A great story has this hero up and fall seven times ( this is a quiz in my Kick Ass Career Course!). See if you can get that to happen with your department meeting.

With an amazing result! Yes it is amazing because you have taken your audience on a journey!

Have fun. Use this structure and play with it.

These tips will bring you closer to an engaging presentation. Like everything new, it may take you some time to get really good at this. Use it at parties, use it talking with your spouse. Comment here and let me know how it goes.

What story will you tell when you own the room? A least you know where to start!

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