Money is Your Birthright!

money is your birthright

Money, Money, Money.

Does it make you feel icky?

Does it make your skin crawl?

Does it conjure up feelings you don’t like?

BIG NEWS–  I am doing a special MONEY WEEK in my Facebook Group,

Bring Your SOUL to WORK.


Join here and lets talk money, prosperity, abundance, all week.

What better topic?

If money is not flowing to you you have a problem.

If your blood isn’t circulating, you would go to the closest Emergency Room… is the same thing….there is something serious to address.

Money is your birthright, abundance is your soul’s energy.

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Your Soul is Demanding Abundance!

Your soul wants more– it is the natural state of expansion. Your soul wants more– can you feel it?

It does demand it– but you, yes you…have been pushing it down for YEARS!

Yes you have!

Most of us have–most of us have been programmed from a young age to not want- effectively, to not expand.

So- now as an adult we are conflicted about wanting more.


This conflict is at the root of being stuck.

This abundance confusion is at the root of low self-esteem.


Soon enough we rationalize why we don’t feel great and we rationalize why we don’t have more!

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