4 Work Myths That Are Holding You Back

This week, I decided to video my blog on work myths…

Take me on the go– less than 10 minutes to learn the 4 Work Myths that are Holding You Back.

These are “stories” you may have heard around the dinner table as a kid and not even realize they are in you. Perhaps you are caught up in seeing these issues as reality… could it be you are buying into other people’s stories and they have taken over your reality about work?

These 4 work myths were essential for me to overcome as I gained in my successful career.

My clients know about breaking through these seemingly brick wall stories…it is possible.

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The “Job” Myth….Finally Busted!

“Job” myths…..finally busted!

“You must work hard, be unhappy (isn’t everyone)…..in a job, miserable?”

“You must work more the more you get paid…..”

“You must be a political, arrogant, self- seeking person to get ahead….”

“You must be vicious to others to be successful…..”


“You must leave the corporate world to be happy.”

What a bunch of junk!!

There are so many myths about work and jobs that it has created real conflict in many of us!

I also see many folks pursuing their “work for myself” dream and it just doesn’t get going because of multiple issues.

Here are the JOB MYTHS BUSTED:

Work can be fun and enjoyable and aligned with your inner self!

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