Time: Spending It? Using it? or Losing It? Where is your time going?

Where is your time going? Do we spend time, use time or lose time?


I remember this one time when my old car pulled up next to me at a light. My red hybrid Camry looked ok for its age. Bumper a bit scratched and I wondered if it rode as well as it did for the five years I drove it. Nostalgia hit me like a sudden life movie began playing.

Where was I when I drove that car? Who was I when I bought it?

I was striving to be someone more than I was at the time. The car wasn’t my answer to that, I just wanted the car for practical reasons,

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5 Ways to Beat Office Politics

Office Politics Can Kill Your Success or Make It!

There are ways to rise above office politics to continue to succeed with your job. Easier said than done, right? Wrong! There are some great things you can do to kick your office politics in the butt. Think about it simply, office politics is just your differences between other people. Really, It all comes down to communicating effectively and developing awesome relationships. When we fix those, we beat office politics.

1. Map Your Organization

Office politics often work their way around the set hierarchal positions. Many have different relationships with others so even though those who are below you may be given more information or tasks depending on where they fall into the office “map”.

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