Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM)

Here at MOST LIFE we cover one of our eight themes each week. This week we cover “T” for Togetherness!

I was going to write a newsletter explaining the obvious virtues of team and Togetherness, I really am passionate about all that. But, then it struck me, the entire thing about teams working so well, is leadership and vision and achieving something Together feels really GOOD!

That’s why we care about teams, because when we do something Together it FEELS great! Teams need good leadership and vision and that’s how I know our featured interviewee this week- she is a leader I looked up to in the organization I recently left, TeamHealth.

While I was interviewing Barbara Blevins of TeamHealth, I was reminded of her smarts, her elegance and generosity. That’s why she is successful, she has the talent that teams need when they ask, “which way?”

She helped me lead and guided me as an executive leading a team as well. No matter who we are or how confident we are, it is important to have someone who can be a compass and offer guidance along the way. Leaders are essential to teams. Whether you are one or rely on one, thank a leader.

I know how TEAM is spelled and I know that without courageous, loving leaders, teams are doomed. So, as we enter into my favorite season, the season of gratitude and appreciation for all things, I say, thank you to all the leaders who have inspired me and have brought me Together with my purpose, passion and vision for achievement.

Thank you Barbara and thank you to the numerous others who have helped me along the way! Togetherness means people joining hands and moving forward Together.

Who has helped you along your path?

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