Kimmy’s Story: I Did It! Never Thought it Possible!


Kimmy’s Story:

I found my dream job, and so can you!

I was really focused on a job title, and what title I should go after.  However, once I had clarity about the type of work I wanted to do in great detail, the job came to me, I didn’t have to go for the job.

I had to make a list of all the things I wanted in my new career.  What were the qualities of the job, how did I feel working in my new career,  what was my team like,  how did they feel about me, how did I feel about them.

EVERYTHING I put on that piece of paper I have in my life today.

A career with an amazing team,  helping women figure out what they want to be when they grow up,  the ability to see lives transformed right in front of me with the ability to work from anywhere remotely!  Dreams really do come true.

I didn’t believe that Mo’s Kick Ass Career Workshop would work for me,  and that I would stay stuck and miserable for the rest of my life.

But…one day…it struck me….what I am doing isn’t feeling great!

Now, after believing in myself…I can dream again, have any life that I want, and have the support and opportunity to do it in Kick Ass style.

I LOVE MY JOB, do you?

Join me…..and get your life back.

It all starts with a Career Clarity Call….it can be intimidating to talk with a stranger, open up and finally, learn what you can do!

Join the hundreds of women who have said yes and gotten their lives back!

Live your dreams!

Start here, start now.

Pick a time that works for you. Let’s get your dreams!