Milijana’s Story: The Invisibility of Playing Small

Milijana's Story : Stop playing small in your career

Being bombed out as a little girl, refugee to Germany and the life of being unwanted was all she knew. Teenage years battling an eating disorder hurt her deeply, she barely survived that.

Some days being angry and hateful was the only defense.

Until she found her strength in the gym.

Years ago, being strong meant lifting the most weight. Milijana was a true super-hero in the gym. Medals, awards and being recognized as the strongest women in Croatia were proud moments. She thought it would take away the years of trauma. Trauma was weighing on her in many ways, eating disorder, suicidal thoughts and deep rage.

She found her safety in the gym, she found a talent that no one could dispute.

No one could disagree with her awards, her accomplishments, with her deadlift prowess!

Not one person!

She was strong!

She was capable!

Milijana did what most people with talent do….she over extended.

She pushed to be recognized, she pushed to not feel the pain.

She pushed too hard and cracked her spine.

No longer able to do her weight lifting, she knew the day of seeing herself deeply was here.

She knew the techniques for success, she was trained in transformational coaching.

One day, while looking through her Hay House emails, she found a Kick Ass Career Coach with a message that resonated. Click HERE to listen to my Hay House Radio Show.

Her story is touching, honest and brave.

Milijana is a beautiful soul.  She found her inner beauty, she found her self love, she found her true power.

She’s back to the gym, but listen in as she talks about the career and life she has built in the time we have worked together!


Join Milijana and many other Kick Ass women who found their soul and dream job and life!