Is the Pandemic Really Going to Affect Your Career?

With all the chaos going on, are you worried about your career and livelihood?

In this video, I share how you can still get ahead and make your career dreams come true. Even in the midst of global change!Deep down, you may be scared that your financial and working life will never be the same again — even if you weren’t in love with your job to begin with.

This is the first time in human history that 7 billion people have cooperated. The news makes it look like we’re all at odds with each other. Don’t be fooled: there is more love, more inclusiveness, and more connection than ever.

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The Hard Work Myth is Holding You Back: Stop Playing Small

Is the hard work myth holding you back and causing you to play small in your career?

We’ve been told all of our life that the harder you work, the better your career. But working yourself to the bone with no self-care is not the path to success!

Do you work and work and work with the same results? → Never moving up the ladder? → Never getting that pay raise?

STOP trying so hard for too little return. Stop wasting your gifts and talents in work that crushes your soul. START paying attention to what will make you grow and save your energy for what really matters!

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What Your Parents Told You is Wrong and Holding You Back

Your parents’ advice was wrong — is living by their “rules” holding you back?

Based on our Facebook poll, aside from those who stated they didn’t receive any career-related advice growing up, the most frequently heard advice that respondents reported receiving from their parents was, “you should become a: (fill in the blank), despite the fact that you have no interest in it.”

You need to understand how your family is still affecting your day-to-day life!!

Are your parents holding back your performance, income level, your power?

We all love our parents. While their recommendations come from a place of love (sometimes) and asking their point of view may be helpful,

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I Never Thought I Could Be This Happy At Work

I am excited to kick off the week with a wonderful conversation with a fabulous educator, Cathy Beals, EdD. Cathy came to work with me and my team because she was experiencing the problems many women have:

  • Hitting the same roadblocks
  • Not contributing at the level I know I can
  • Unsure how to change this
  • Desiring a better life
  • After all, with a high school daughter and husband at home, she knew she wasn’t making her life the best for them either. Listen in to hear how Cathy turned it around and is now bringing her soul to work!

    Lean into her story — It could be yours!

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    Mo’s Kick Ass Power Week! What Success Looks Like!

    In a constant state of stress, the brain doesn’t work well and the body gets run down. We have to keep from getting run down…especially now! Wash hands, stay hydrated (with water my friends) and get your rest. It’s time to POWER your week for success!

    Tough times call for staying on what drives your family and future – your work…so, to keep your career train rolling — let’s get out of stress and mayhem and into being a Kick Ass human!

    The way to change from stress to kick ass is to change your focus. Let’s get your emotions and mind focused on your days — something other than quarantines!


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    Your Greatest Career Fears and What We Now Know

    Career fears got you down? Coach Mo and Career Breakthrough Strategist, Michelle, discuss your greatest career fears and what we now know after completing over 6,000 career clarity calls with women about what is going on in their career. Watch above, or listen to the podcast on the go. Either way, you’ll want to schedule your call after hearing what they have to share!


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    Kristy’s Story — Realizing Life Can be a Dream!

    Kristy is a Kick Ass Graduate whose life has changed for the better after realizing that anything is possible for her!

    Do you believe you are in control of your reality or do you let life take the wheel?  You have the power to turn anything around and create your beautiful reality. It doesn’t matter what life throws at you. You’re in control of where your path leads and how you react to things that happen in life! New opportunities are always coming your way to help to create your dream life!


    Book a free 1-hour Career Clarity Call with Team Mo today.

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    Erin’s Story: She Found Her Power and Her Dreams Came Alive!

    Erin’s story is one of expansion during a time of major career transition in her life. Erin realized that even though on paper everything about her job was perfect, it still didn’t satisfy her mission. The things that we experience in life can either define us or help us blossom, grow, and move on to bigger and better! Erin took control of her life and even though it’s not easy, it is definitely worth it.


    Book a free 1-hour Career Clarity Call with Team Mo today.

    [WATCH THE FREE MASTERCLASS!] The 5-Step Game Plan My Clients Use to Kiss Their Dead-End Job Goodbye and Leap Into One That Pays What They Deserve

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