How to keep Your Soul During Rough Times

Keeping your soul alive and thriving during hard times is what life is all about.

When life is flowing and easy, there is no growth.

We are here on this planet to grow and to have our growth be for other’s growth.

It’s all about that.

Every week I speak to women on my free career clarity calls and their souls are dim.

Souls dim from a 48 year old woman who lost her job and gave it her all. Now what?

Souls dim after being hospitalized for a nervous breakdown and thinking life was going to be a fight every step of the way. Her 3 kids aged 10-16 need her,

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Rise Up From Dark Times

Rise Up From Dark Times

Breast Cancer Month always brings me back to my soul!

To the call I received from the doctor after a business lunch.

To telling my family I have breast cancer, and taking care of their feelings.

To the brutal way my breasts were handled and poked and prodded all along the way.

The final days of having breasts, the teary news to my team at work and the days in the ICU, passing out from low blood counts, nurses who were amazing and the beautiful care I received from one nurse, whose own sister shared my birthday and died of breast cancer.

There are memories of my breast cancer journey each morning,

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How to keep your Soul during Rough Times!


Keeping your soul alive and thriving during hard times is what life is all about.

When life is flowing and easy, there is no growth.

We are here on this planet to grow and to have our growth be for other’s growth.

It’s all about that.

Every week I speak to women on my free career clarity calls and their souls are dim.

Souls dim from a 48 year old woman who lost her job and gave it her all. Now what?

Souls dim after being hospitalized for a nervous breakdown and thinking life was going to be a fight every step of the way. Her 3 kids aged 10-16 need her,

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The World Will Match Your Brightness.SHINE- NOW.


I am talking about shine this month.

Your soul shining. Your soul shining is…..well……Is. Everything!

Your freedom, joy and happiness are essentially your SOUL!

When you shine your soul brightly everyone can see it.

YOU– you feel it!

Happier. Lighter. More Joy. Better decisions.

“If only my life was better. If only my job was different.”

The secret lies inside YOU.

My clients show me this everyday.

You know the secret?

Your soul is the secret.

YOU are the secret ingredient.

The secret to your freedom, joy and happiness is……

Choosing you.

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