4 Ways to Rock Your Next Interview

The art of the interview. Yes, it is an art, meaning it is a skill you must work for, practice, and in the end master. It may not come easy, especially with little practice. Maybe you’re shy, you don’t like to speak up, or you have little experience with interviews. Whatever the reason may be, we all have to step up and interview. Even if you are shy, there are foolproof ways to present and prepare yourself to rock your next interview!

1. Get Interview Ready

It’s extremely important to prepare for an interview, even if you get one last second there are key steps you can take to really rock your interview! Not only will this calm your nerves and boost your confidence, but also it gives you a leg up on the competition. There are a few easy things you can do for this, try:

  • Create a list of 5-10 keywords and phrases about who you ARE and be that person in the interview
  • Basic research. For example, who will be interviewing you, the dress code, review the job description and even look up directions!
  • Research the company online
  • Write down your possible answers to common interview questions. Here are 100 possible interview questions to get you started!  

2. Create Questions to Ask

It’s important to ask the proper questions in your interview, not only for you own clarity but to show your interviewer that you have done your research and are interested in the position. Here are some awesome examples to try. Of course, these are different depending on everyone, we all have different questions!

  • What qualities and skills would make an ideal candidate?
  • What have you enjoyed most while working here?  
  • In what way can a candidate succeed at this position?
  • What is the next step in this process?
  • Do you have any questions about my qualifications?

I have a few questions to be prepared with on your interview. Read my blog on why you should interview now

3. Create Your Elevator Pitch

This brief but persuasive “pitch” is used to create an interest in what you do. Though this is normally used to before an interview while networking, the clarity and confidence you will get about yourself can be used throughout your interview. You want to make it interesting and memorable. A great pitch explains why you are unique and is no longer than an elevator ride. This is an art, it may sound easy but it takes time to master this. Learn how to create yours here for free!

4. Get Confident in Your Worth

Now that you are interviewed prepared, you must take charge of your own being! Do you know your full worth?  The problem of not enough inner strength, letting the external world define you (and control you) is that you set your career from the same inner feeling worthy. Think about where do you need to show up bigger, be more confident? Where do you need to speak up for yourself? Show up bigger, better, and more fully you. Learn more of this here!

First, you must make an internal change:

Then you must create tangible skills:

  • Brush up your resume, look at all the awesome things you’ve done and be proud!
  • Make sure your LinkedIn Profile and resume have your awesomeness.
  • Bring this list of your accomplishments  with you on your interview
  • Create your elevator pitch and say this to yourself, know your worth!

Mo’s Insider Tip:

I love the idea of interviewing to research the market, it’s a great way to help you know your worth, while getting the much-needed interview practice! Maybe you have your job already, how do you know if you can you make more money somewhere else? How do you know how much you are worth? Interviewing is a great way to understand your worth, which you can bring to your current role and future ones. You may not get the job, but you know more about the market and your worth. There are many steps for you to have a better future, learn 10 more of my favorite tips here!

Try this exercise, write down the exact title and amount of salary you want to receive in your (next) job. Visualize your life with that salary – feel it and know it is yours. Bring this feeling and knowing into your interview, you are worth that- time to start feeling it.  When we are more comfortable with money, we make more money!