My New Favorite Word: Anti-fragile


I was listening to an interview the other day in which the CEO of Microsoft used a word that gave me the chills.

He described companies that are adapting and continuing to thrive during the pandemic as, “anti-fragile.”

Oh, how I love that word! 

Anti-fragile is about resilience. Or to use the old cliché, it’s about making lemonade out of lemons. 

And here’s the kicker: you can be vulnerable and anti-fragile at the same time. 

In this video, I sit down with my kick ass clients, Isis and Samika, and we share how you can be anti-fragile — or in other words — authentic, adaptable and resilient. 

Book a free 1-hour Career Clarity Call with Team Mo today.

[WATCH THE FREE MASTERCLASS!] The 5-Step Game Plan My Clients Use to Kiss Their Dead-End Job Goodbye and Leap Into One That Pays What They Deserve