Gender Pay Gap Part 2: Real Life and Real Answers

gender pay gap real life

Gender Pay Gap Part 2: Real Life and Real Answers

I am so passionate about the gender pay gap because I see it every day. It is not a headline, it is not a monthly leadership topic at work or a philosophical social problem.


I will tell you some solutions down below—but first….

A client of mine is currently at a $50,000 gap in her pay compared to her male colleagues.

(We are going to fix it!)

$50,000!!! That is $200 per day- every work day she slips behind.

She was told they would take care of it over the next 2 years.

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Money is Your Birthright!

money is your birthright

Money, Money, Money.

Does it make you feel icky?

Does it make your skin crawl?

Does it conjure up feelings you don’t like?

BIG NEWS–  I am doing a special MONEY WEEK in my Facebook Group,

Bring Your SOUL to WORK.


Join here and lets talk money, prosperity, abundance, all week.

What better topic?

If money is not flowing to you you have a problem.

If your blood isn’t circulating, you would go to the closest Emergency Room… is the same thing….there is something serious to address.

Money is your birthright, abundance is your soul’s energy.

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Your Soul is Demanding Abundance!

Your soul wants more– it is the natural state of expansion. Your soul wants more– can you feel it?

It does demand it– but you, yes you…have been pushing it down for YEARS!

Yes you have!

Most of us have–most of us have been programmed from a young age to not want- effectively, to not expand.

So- now as an adult we are conflicted about wanting more.


This conflict is at the root of being stuck.

This abundance confusion is at the root of low self-esteem.


Soon enough we rationalize why we don’t feel great and we rationalize why we don’t have more!

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The Lie of Putting Others First


Putting Others First and Other Lies

Years go, sitting on an airplane, overloaded with stress on the way home from a long business trip, I had an AHA moment. An aha moment that shook me to my core.

The pre-flight announcement came on…blah, blah….blah (tune it out this is my 3,456th flight!).


“Put your oxygen mask on first….”

Lights came on in my over stressed heart and soul.

That’s it!

My stress level was because so many people, places and things demanded my attention.

So many small and large priorities took my energy away from me and there was never enough coming in to fill me up.

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5 Reasons Why Money Matters


Yikes….I was told as a young girl that talking about money is rude. Money is also the root of all evil, right? I really need to stay away from money. It is bad….and people with it are bad!! Those were the messages I grew up with, how about you?  Just like many of us, I was raised to be honest, modest and a hard worker.

I was raised that envy, money and greed go together.  So, work hard for little money is how that works out…heck no! As a young catholic girl money was the devil and to be avoided at all costs! But, we need money. We need money to live, to give and to create comfort. 

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