5 Reasons Why Money Matters


Yikes….I was told as a young girl that talking about money is rude. Money is also the root of all evil, right? I really need to stay away from money. It is bad….and people with it are bad!! Those were the messages I grew up with, how about you?  Just like many of us, I was raised to be honest, modest and a hard worker.

I was raised that envy, money and greed go together.  So, work hard for little money is how that works out…heck no! As a young catholic girl money was the devil and to be avoided at all costs! But, we need money. We need money to live, to give and to create comfort. 

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Amy’s Story: How to Pick Yourself Back Up After a Job Loss

Job Loss Can Stop you in your tracks!

The loss and emotions associated with it hit you as hard as the bank account is hit. Recovery from this level of “trauma” can really derail you and your family.

Listen in as Amy talks about her recovery.

It wasn’t going well in her first job back from job loss, one third the pay was not covering it!

The work environment was also brutal. Learn how she came back stronger than ever!

Take notes and when you are ready to pick yourself up Book your FREE CAREER CLARITY CALL.

The team is ready to help you understand what is stopping you.

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Heal Your Career, Heal Your Life

Heal Your Career, Heal Your Life

This is what I know.

When you find your awesome self, you cure your career and your life.

One recent client, unemployed for several months, 3 kids….she had skills, desire, but her vibration was all victim. She was deeply feeling unworthy and broken. She NEEDED a job!

One client was laid off from her previous job and took a job that was lower level, lower pay and the boss wasn’t able to see her skills. She needed to move on.

She started working with me to find a new job worthy of her experience and education.

My approach is to look inside.

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She Found HERSELF… Are You Ready?

She is all right now. She started out desperate to feel better.

She has a Masters Degree in Computer Science.

She works in a big company in Europe serving business clients.

She used to feel invisible. USED TO!

She wants to be a writer, a blogger. She wants to be seen for who she is.

We met in my Kick Ass Coaching call 12 weeks ago.

She lives in Europe and was ready to throw in the towel.

Burnt out.

Not seen.

Miserable at work. Miserable with what she chose to study and learn.

But… she is talented.

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You Create It All, But How?

Thoughts are Momentum.


Yup! There, I said it.

Everything in your physical world is an out-picturing of the world inside you….because it all starts with energy.

Your consciousness is showing. Everywhere!

The grand mirror of the physical world is a reflection of the energy world in which we live.

Your thoughts and feelings are energy.

How else would you feel them? This energy interacts with your body…feelings!

Your physical body responds and then chemicals in your body change and now you have a real deep feeling. Once it is in your cells….your body remembers the feeling.

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Path to Success: FIGHT OR FLOW?

Each week I see the effort of so many to work hard, push through and literally fight their way through. FIGHT. We were taught to tough it out, work hard…FIGHT for it all.

There are winners and losers…BE A WINNER. FIGHT. Work. Life. FIGHT. Family Obligations. FIGHT. Been there.

Each week I see people breakthrough this habit and move with grace and ease.


The new way to win is with your soul pouring out with YOU- true power.


The new way to success is to BRING YOUR SOUL TO WORK.


Each week I hear and see stories of finding FLOW.

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10 Steps To A Better Future: Jump-Start Your Passion Work Now

Does your day job constantly remind you that it is not the right fit? Maybe your boss doesn’t recognize you or your contributions, or your hours are so long you arrive home bleary eyed.

Are your passions getting sidelined, because you have nothing left. Do you long to do something more meaningful with your life?

We often tend to be haunted by our own self-doubt and criticism. “Why can’t I just do my passion work?” You ask yourself over and over. My advice is always the same, change your thinking – change your life.

Focus on your success at work, focus on your day job. If you pursue your passion now,

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How to Tell the Truth, Speaking Up with Purpose

How to Tell the Truth—Speaking Up with Purpose

As we flew home, belted in the private corporate jet and feeling all snazzy, still elated from a major meeting, we were chatting strategy and how this was going to be great for the company, yet I was depleted and confused.

I leaned in and asked our C.E.O (an arrogant and very monied man), “Why did you lie to them?”

He responded as he would to his young daughter, condescending and surprised to be asked (challenged) by little ol’ me.

“They will never remember anyway. We have to keep them interested.”

My head was spinning as I sat back, wondering who was wrong,

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Cracking Open to Your Success

The Crack That Opened Me Up…..My Breast Cancer Journey

Sitting in that familiar chair just like many November weekend days, watching football, snacks at the table beside me, I moved up and down while the games played. A fan since I was a little girl.

Not this day.

This day I was in the same brown leather recliner, not comfortable and not up and down as I wanted.

Not this day.

This day bandages covered my breasts, covered the drains coming out of the sides of my chest and just below where my belly button used to be. Where my belly used to be. Where my breasts used to be.

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