Losing Your Job


The One Problem With Job Loss that Everyone Overlooks

Every day I talk to a potential client who has lost her job.

Every. Day.

She is scared and unsure.

She is worried about her money, her future and whether she can get her career on track!

She is worried that if she doesn’t get the next job she will be ruined and each day, week and month that lingers with no job, the stakes get higher and higher.

SO the desperation increases.

Desperation increases the chances of no job or one that has to be gotten as a consolation prize!


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Hidden Self-Confidence Trap


Self-Confidence is born in us!

When I look at my granddaughter, I see limitless potential. She’s only 16 months old, but she’s fearless and full of joy.

Exploring the world. Venturing out. Asking for what she wants.

Fighting when she doesn’t get it.

Saying NO to what no longer feels good.

And she NEVER settles until she gets EXACTLY what she wants.

As annoying as it is sometimes, (more for her mother, of course)

I think to myself, “This is the spirit that creates success.”

We were all born with that spirit.

But the older we get, the more we start ignoring it.

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Stephanie’s Story: An Introvert’s Guide to Career Power!

Stephanie’s Story: An Introvert’s Guide to Career Power








“Do I have to be someone else to get ahead?”

“Can a natural introvert still stand in her power and make an impact?”

These are common questions I hear as a career coach.

When we think of making an impact we often imagine the charismatic speaker, the dominant boss, the political savvy game player.

These people may get ahead in more traditional ways, but it is not necessary to be a success.

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Biology and Your Career – Unraveling Truth



Hey you….

Yes, you— the body of feelings and memorized thoughts.

Your body and your mind have become one.

Over time you have memorized how it feels to be you.

So, what happens each day?

You repeat all the thoughts and feelings you have had over the last (several) decades.

You are the same person day in and day out.

Yup- you shower, you brush, you eat, you exercise, but all the while you keep thinking and feeling the same!

You continue to reinforce the same YOU!

That is all great if you have the life you desire.

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Heather’s Story: What Would Your Future Self Do?

How to Use Your Future Self to Guide You Now

She wasn’t happy with her same ‘ol, same ‘ol job!

Feeling stuck in a steady job as a mother of 2 small children and being the wife she thought she needed to be. (Mo, I’m not sure why I felt I needed to do everything to keep the plates spinning!)

After our first Clarity Call, deciding to go for it herself…

she went back to ask for a small raise.


She stayed for a while longer…..reaching out again after more of the same.

Feeling stuck with financial obligations, and the “security” of many years at the same organization.

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Debbie’s Story: Part 2 How to Make Dreams Come True!



Inspired by Debbie,

I am sharing the behind the scenes way my clients make dreams come true.

The techniques are not to use better resume writing techniques, although we must be good.

It is not the best LinkedIn profile, but we must be good there also.

It is not JUST learning to speak up and have a voice and be aligned and proud of who you are.

It is not just to network and make yourself known to the right people, and that is certainly key!


How did Debbie, and hundreds of women just like her do it?

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Debbie Grant’s Story: Dreams Do Come True!


Yes, Debbie, dreams do come true.

“Are you sure, Mo, it seems a bit much!”

When the human soul finally sees it’s beauty and brilliance it can stop judging.

When the human soul finally sees the path to the life it always knew was in it’s heart- it finds joy.

When the human soul finally falls in love with itself and with life, miracles occur.

Miracles are a normal part of life to those souls who are aligned.

Debbie was not quite on this path when we met earlier this year on our Career Clarity Call.

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New Job Means New YOU! Ready?


New Job Means a NEW YOU!

Wanting more in life requires being more.

Yup– and I spent my life working on me.

Whether it was the hundreds of repetitions of hitting a tennis ball against the garage door late in the evening…hoping for that Wimbledon Tennis Championship or late night layups in the driveway wanting to seal a victory for my team.

I was born with an innate sense of working on my skills.

The hundreds of books and countless conferences hardly touched the surface….but then…. I put it all together.

As a young nurse I studied and studied.

When I rose to the ranks of health care business professional I subscribed to The Wall Street Journal,

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Kim’s Story: Showing Up As The Real YOU!

Kim and I met on Facebook…..she was disagreeing with me about my favorite saying:

“Everything Always Works Out For ME!” I asked her to try it for one DAY!

She did…here’s what happened!

To say she has learned to live in the flow and create miracles is an understatement.

Not only does she have her dream job and dream salary (thanks, Mo for the wonderful techniques!!), but she is enjoying her family more, more quality time and she feels like herself AGAIN!! Many years (too many) spent thinking this sort of life was a fairy tale, she finally felt enough was enough!

Kim is now living her life to her soul’s fullest!

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The World Will Match Your Brightness.SHINE- NOW.


I am talking about shine this month.

Your soul shining. Your soul shining is…..well……Is. Everything!

Your freedom, joy and happiness are essentially your SOUL!

When you shine your soul brightly everyone can see it.

YOU– you feel it!

Happier. Lighter. More Joy. Better decisions.

“If only my life was better. If only my job was different.”

The secret lies inside YOU.

My clients show me this everyday.

You know the secret?

Your soul is the secret.

YOU are the secret ingredient.

The secret to your freedom, joy and happiness is……

Choosing you.

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