Your Time to Shine? Why Playing Small Hurts so Much


She said, “Yes, I will go for it!” She said YES to shining brighter!

This brilliant, award-winning software engineer was working with me to stand in her power, to leave a toxic workplace, to change her career and life.

What was going on with her became obvious as we worked together.  

Stranded in a place that was too small for her, she was stifled and it hurt every day.

She loved her team, she loved the work.

But, her boss and the culture had robbed her soul.

Playing too small hurts in every way.

  • Your opinion isn’t valued, because you aren’t in the right seat.

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Judith’s Story: I Walked Out on My Job, then….THIS Happened!



“I walked out on my job and then THIS Happened”

I see it all the time….walking out on the job because the emotions become unmanageable.

All the time…..

You have done it all. They don’t see you.

Others are recognized.

You work long hours for what?

The pattern is familiar and your have no way out.

You can’t ask for help, because they would just blame you for not doing enough.

Judith’s story is very inspiring>>>>>her journey is like so many women I speak to every week.

That’s why my executive background and coaching talents come together to bring a new focus…what does it take to have difficult and “impossible” conversations?

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Spring Cleaning for you Career: How to Plant the Right Seeds


Planting the Right Seeds for Your Career Success

Each spring seeds are planted all around the globe.

We reap what we plant.

And, we must tend to our plantings.

I hear this all the time…….

“Why am I NOT getting the promotion?”

“Why do I always get a bully boss?”

“I work so many hours and it never seems to matter.”

Amazingly, we miss the idea of planting the RIGHT seeds, when it comes to our careers and life.

Seeds are marked, planted and managed….right soil, irrigation, and eliminating pests.

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Milijana’s Story: The Invisibility of Playing Small

Milijana's Story : Stop playing small in your career

Being bombed out as a little girl, refugee to Germany and the life of being unwanted was all she knew. Teenage years battling an eating disorder hurt her deeply, she barely survived that.

Some days being angry and hateful was the only defense.

Until she found her strength in the gym.

Years ago, being strong meant lifting the most weight. Milijana was a true super-hero in the gym. Medals, awards and being recognized as the strongest women in Croatia were proud moments. She thought it would take away the years of trauma. Trauma was weighing on her in many ways, eating disorder, suicidal thoughts and deep rage.

She found her safety in the gym,

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Kimmy’s Story: I Did It! Never Thought it Possible!

Kimmy’s Story:

I found my dream job, and so can you!

I was really focused on a job title, and what title I should go after.  However, once I had clarity about the type of work I wanted to do in great detail, the job came to me, I didn’t have to go for the job.

I had to make a list of all the things I wanted in my new career.  What were the qualities of the job, how did I feel working in my new career,  what was my team like,  how did they feel about me, how did I feel about them.

EVERYTHING I put on that piece of paper I have in my life today.

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Energy Blocks and how they are stalling your Career.

My career was full of them.

Not speaking up because I felt being too smart and quick would offend my boss, procrastinating to do something because it involved someone I was threatened by, or just not giving it my all, because the blow back and hidden criticisms hurt too much.

This all created patterns in me that eventually led to energy blocks.

Energy Blocks show up in our career and life as stuck, stifled and fear based living.

Your career is likely showing sign of these same energy blocks and eventually,  breast cancer.

Fear of rejection, fear of making mistakes, not owning the room and not feeling worthy–

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Anto’s Story: How She Claimed, I am Worth IT!

Anto went from lost to “I am worth it!”

She was feeling like life was just going to be hard.


Her personal life was in shambles, her career never really took off.


Struggle and hardship was “normal’ for her.

Anto’s inner self knew there must be more.

She had no idea where to turn.

We talked, I urged her that something better was in her future.

She had to make THE decision.

She had to realize she was worth it.

She was worth it….she knew it,

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Rosalind’s Story: How I Rose Up and Found My Awesome!

Getting pushed back from life is a common problem.

Getting thrown into caring for elderly and sick parents, caring for them as they die and having to juggle a full-time job and life is a heavy load.

Just ask, Rosalind. She tells her full comeback story here.

She was in that situation last year, having lost her job due to her obligation to her ailing mom.

She followed her heart (and she has a big one!).

She lost her job of over 2 decades….a workplace that couldn’t give her the needed flexibility.


Sadly, both her parents died within months,

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Jess’s Story: How I Manifested My Dream Job

Jess tells us how she went from working in a job that did not serve her skills and talents to landing her dream job.

Jess began to feel happy about her work, and totally knew she used the Law of Attraction and expert coaching to arrive at a place in her life that she previously thought was out of reach for her.

Now she’s living her dream job.


Jess….like many of us…was STUCK in bad thinking. Jess thought the Law of Attraction didn’t work for her.

The energetic Universe was listening, each minute her thoughts and feelings were being picked up and returned to her in the exact same way she was putting them out.

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