Category Archives: All Posts

Navigating the Pandemic Through Fairy Tales: The Three Little Pigs


The stories that were read to us when we were little are alive and well in our subconscious minds. 

Navigating the Pandemic Through Fairy Tales: In this video, I’m looking at your career through the eyes of The Three Little Pigs. 

Picture it: COVID-19 is the Big Bad Wolf. Your career is the House of Straw. 

As we’re navigating the pandemic through fairy tales, what happens when the big bad wolf huffs and puffs? 

Watch and learn how your career can withstand the pressure. 

Let’s make certain your career is the unshakeable House of Brick. If you’re feeling nervous or unsure about your future,

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Are Women Too Emotional in the Workplace? The Myth and the Truth


Are women too emotional in the workplace?

Have you ever been accused of being “too emotional?” I have.

Look, it’s obvious: women are wired differently than men and are wired to crave connection.

This is why a little girl will give her toy to someone on the playground if she thinks it will cause them to be her friend — even if she’s heartbroken over the loss of the toy.

In the workplace, a woman will typically sacrifice pay, prestige, influence, and title for connection with others.

Which is why we underperform.

So why would anyone accuse women of being too emotional in the workplace — or anywhere? 

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The Blame Game: How to Avoid This Deadly Career Killer


There’s something I have to warn you about, and it’s frightening. 

It’s so scary it chills me to the bone. 

After coaching thousands of women over the years, I’ve discovered SIX major career killers. I’m going to tell you what #1 is below. 

But first, I have to tell you what these career killers are capable of, and what they frequently do.

These rampant career killers:

  • Cause FIGHTING AND TENSION among co-workers and peers
  • Make you and your talents INVISIBLE to your boss
  • Cause hundreds of thousands of dollars of LOST INCOME
  • Cause you to literally GIVE UP on your career and your dreams
  • Crush your soul and PARALYZE YOU WITH FEAR
  • Cause you to DOUBT YOURSELF to the bone


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Is the Pandemic Really Going to Affect Your Career?


Is the pandemic going to affect your career?

In all the great mythical stories, there’s an obstacle on the hero’s journey.

There’s darkness — something terrible and disruptive — that the hero must face to become who she’s born to be.

This pandemic is that dark force for so many of us. It has disrupted the way we live, work, and relate to each other. It is the disrupting force of our time.

And yet… it’s birthing more growth, more connection, and more opportunity than ever.

If you use it well, you can transform the darkness into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reinvent your career (and life).

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Your Job Is a Dirty Little Thief… and You’re Paying The Heaviest Price


Your job is a dirty little thief.

Yeah, I know… we’re supposed to be grateful for employment, especially during global catastrophes.

But I think it’s important for you to know that you’re allowed to enjoy what you do while you’re alive.

Does your job contribute in any way to your sense of fulfillment and well-being? Or does it rob you of joy, energy, and strength?

Since you’re here, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume your job is a dirty little thief

…a thief that robs you of vitality,

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Is Your Pain Too Comfortable?


This is your bottle of Tylenol speaking. I know you’re stressed so I’ll get straight to the point: 

Fact is, you’ve been hoovering down my contents like I’m a bag of skittles. It’s making me wonder…

Is your pain too comfortable? What are you ignoring or denying in life that’s creating this level of physical pain? 

Sometimes the body uses pain as a warning. Or it could be more accurate to say that your soul uses the body to send you messages. 

So I’ll ask again: is your pain too comfortable? What are you denying?

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Here’s What Your 90-Year-Old Self Wants You To Know


Have you considered what your 90-year-old self wants you to know?

Shortly before you die, you’re going to have a moment where you feel regret. It’s going to feel horrible. It’s going to break your heart.

What’s the regret about?

Not speaking up. Staying small. Letting fear win. Allowing excuses to get in the way of your dreams. Swallowing other people’s poison for a paycheck. Betraying yourself to be liked.

And then there’s the biggest regret of all — the awareness that you didn’t go for it.

GO FOR IT: Go for Greatness; go for Life;

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Your Blind Spots Are Costing You Over $500,000 Dollars


What are your blind spots costing you?

Blind spots, by their very definition, are hard to see. Usually we don’t know what our blind spots are until someone points them out to us.

Blind spots often have to do with how you’re viewing or seeing reality. The way you see reality directly impacts how you react to life.

So how does that cost you money?

If you react to your boss, co-workers, or life circumstances through the cloudy lens of a blind spot, you usually get ignored, imposed upon, laid off or passed up for promotion. You miss out on raises and consistently receive less than you’re worth.

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Lisa’s Story: She Was Ready to Settle Forever, Then She Learned the Truth


When my client Lisa was just a little girl, an attorney came to her parents’ rescue when their farmland was threatened. To Lisa, he was like a guardian angel whose wisdom saved the day.

She was so moved by the experience that she decided to be that guardian angel for others and became a disability lawyer — a really good one.

But she was working too hard. She didn’t have control of her schedule and wasn’t making the impact she wanted.

Shortly before reaching out to us, Lisa filed for divorce. She told us she felt out of control, as though life was “happening to her.”

After our 12-week workshop,

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